Immerse Yourself Into The Story

One of the most important components of being a dynamic presenter is storytelling. In fact, it’s pretty much the most crucial aspect of reaching elite presenting status. And one of the best ways to tell a great story is to put yourself there in your mind. If you’re talking about an important life event, don’t just say the words; go there mentally as you describe it. Bring the details to life and it will resonate with your audience. In fact, if you’re truly present, you’ll find yourself sharing different details each time you tell the story. That will help you make it sound fresh each time, thereby making it a better experience for your audience.

Give your stories the attention to detail they deserve. I promise you, your audience will only take away from the story what you put into it. If you just go through the motions, or spit back some words at them, they’ll probably be unmoved. But, if you tell it with the enthusiasm and passion it warrants, your audience will be engaged from start to finish. You’ll certainly make them laugh and, who knows, you may even make them cry.

Telling a great story requires a lot of mental and physical energy. You should be tired when you’re done. But if you put the work in, the feedback you’ll get in the room will make it all worth it. And that’s how you become elite!

If you’d like to learn more about public speaking and storytelling just reach out to me here.

Have a great day!
