It’s Crucial To Improving On Camera

Sandy Alcantarra

One of the best ways to improve your performance is to do something that many of you loathe … watch yourself on camera. I know, you don’t want to do it. You hate the way you look, you hate the way you sound, blah, blah, blah. Here’s what I say: get over it! You don’t look that bad and you don’t sound that bad.

I’m not a huge fan of watching myself on camera either, so I get it. We are typically our own harshest critics. But it’s crucial to making progress in your journey as an elite communicator.

By watching and listening to yourself perform you’ll notice things like pace, vocal inflection, posture and nerves. You’ll get a sense of your energy level, your gestures and your facial expressions. You’ll also be able to tell if your talking points are well constructed and if they resonate.

If you record your rehearsal (which I recommend) and then watch it, you can delete it immediately afterwards and nobody else but you will ever see it. What’s the downside to that? And if you watch yourself after the actual performance you can make improvements before you do it again.

Without watching yourself you really have no idea how you are as a performer, so pick up your phone, press record and start talking. To chat more about public speaking and media coaching, just contact me here.

Have a great day!
